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Please specify any dietary restrictions *
I would like to reserve: * Choose optionOcean BreezePalm TreeMayan PrincessThe Buddha
Room Occupancy: * Choose optionSingleDoubleTriple
Room Share: * Please find me a roommate/(s)I will share a room with one friendI will share a room with two friendsN/A; I am not sharing
Your Yoga Background: * Choose optionTotal beginner; have done <3 classesBeginner; less than 2 years or infrequent practiceIntermediate; 3+ years or practice 3+ a weekAdvanced
How did you hear about the Retreat? * Jaya Hana promotionsBook Yoga RetreatsYoga FinderFacebookOther (please specify in the comments box)
Call Request: * Choose optionYes (Please indicate the best time to reach you in the comment box)No, thanks
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